UK promotion for Eurovision Song Contest

Last year, when the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Liverpool, UK viewing figures were at the highest they had ever been in the 

modern era. As a result. For the first time ever, four songs from the contest made the top ten of the UK 

Official Singles Chart. What does that tell us?, Well, obviously, it means that the more viewers a show

gets increases the chances of someone streaming or wanting to buy the song as a download etc. 

This year things are different. In the lead up to the contest, there has been a concerted campaign 

by certain people and even some fans, concerned about the situation in Gaza

and Israel’s participation, to boycott the event. As a consequence, this may have 

resulted in a decline in viewership for the contest in the UK. We also have

to take into account that most of the UK had been experiencing unusually 

hot weather on the day of the contest. This always results in a decline in tv 

viewing. And don’t forget that the majority of the people who watch Eurovision will 

only be casual viewers, not die hard fans of the contest. So, to put it in a nutshell, high viewing figures = 

higher chance of a winning song and other favourites to become a hit. Low viewing figures = No or very little chance of becoming a hit. 

So I have provided a few helpful hints that I hope may help to get your Eurovision entry into the upper

regions of the UK pop charts (this could work in other countries too).

Good luck.

🥇 Encourage fans of the contest to buy downloads of the song. 

This will count more than actual streams. 

You need around 150 streams on Spotify to count as one Make your song available as a CD single. 

This will count as one sale.

Loyal Eurovision fans will be desperate 

to snap these up as a collectors item. 

You can also let fans preorder them if they aren’t yet available. 

🥇 Encourage fans to keep streaming your song on TikTok 

and other streaming platforms. 

Every little bit helps to increase visibility.

🥇 Don’t leave UK promotion until the second week 

after the contest. 

Interest will have waned and people

will soon move onto something else.

🥇 Try to get on UK tv and radio to promote your song. 

I know most of the artists already know this. 

But a lot of acts will be too focused on their own country’s 

promotion and may think they 

can leave it until the next week etc. 

I hope this little bit if Information I have put together helps in some small

way to get songs from the contest back into charts on a regular basis. 

It’s only my opinion at the end of the day. So who knows if it will really work. But I have a hunch

that it might. I have advised artists participating in the contest over the years so am not completely naive.

All the best.


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